Network of Makerspaces in Hamburg Schools



The Makerspaces in Hamburger Schulen Netzwerk (MiSHN; EN = network of makerspaces in Hamburg schools) is a dynamic network made up of people who are either already active in a school makerspace or are interested in supporting this movement. Open to anyone who shares this passion, MiSHN provides a platform for teachers and others interested in initiating makerspaces in schools. Our primary goal is to overcome the isolated aspect of this work and promote the collaborative development and networking of school makerspaces in Hamburg.

MiSHN strives to connect school makerspaces with a variety of institutions such as FabLabs, makerspaces, associations, universities, companies and foundations. These collaborations are intended to establish long-term partnerships and help schools to successfully implement maker education and STEM concepts. MiSHN actively supports and documents these collaborations, while schools and their representatives share experiences, concepts, ideas, materials and events and work together to develop them further.

The core of the network manifests itself in regular network meetings, which offer space and time for exchange and practical work. These meetings take place either in a school makerspace or on the premises of our members. Interested parties are welcome to contact the organisers if they would like to host one of these meetings.

MiSHN shares the vision of FabCity and sees itself as an ideal complement to it. Schools play a crucial role in realising the necessary transformation, because we see it as our task to make children not just consumers of knowledge, but capable creators of their own future.