OpenLab Mobile
STEM Education on Wheels

OpenLab Mobile

On the Road in the City

OpenLab Mobile

The Süderelbe growth initiative, a member and cooperation partner of Fab City Hamburg, is coming to schools in the metropolitan region free of charge with the OpenLab Mobile, organizing 3D modelling and 3D printing workshops.

The workshops are aimed at students aged 16 and older. A workshop lasts 180 minutes (excluding breaks) and is designed for young people. The truck has 12 workstations. If the group is larger (up to a maximum of 30 people), the workshop can be started in an appropriately sized group room on site and the participants can then use the truck one after another.

Concept (GER) Workshop Modules (GER)

If you would like to invite the OpenLab Mobile, please contact Jo Jung.

Jo Jung

Jo Jung

Workshop Instructor